Set up Resource Hero on a custom or standard object

After installation, all Resource Hero features and functionality are preconfigured on the Salesforce Opportunity object. The following steps show you how to set up Resource Hero on a custom or standard object other than Opportunity. This can include Accounts, Leads, or custom objects unique to your Salesforce org like Projects, Engagements, etc.

Create a new lookup field to your object

  1. From Setup, click on the Object Manager tab.
  2. From the quick find search box, enter Resource Assignment, then click on the link for the Resource Assignment object
  3. On the left side, click on Fields and Relationships section, then click the New button.
  4. Select Lookup Relationship as your field type, then click Next.
  5. Select your object from the Related To drop down, then click Next.
  6. Enter your desired Field Label and Field Name.  Write down the Field Name as we will need this later on.  Ensure that the What to do if the lookup record is deleted radio button is set to Don’t allow deletion of the lookup record that’s part of a lookup relationship.  Click Next.
  7. Review Field Level Security settings, then click Next.
  8. Review Page Layout settings, then click Next.
  9. Review the Related List settings, then click Save.

Add custom setting entry

This step will allow Resource Hero to know how to find your custom object.

  1. From Setup, enter Custom Settings in the quick find search box, then click on the Custom Setting link on the left.
  2. In the list of Custom Settings, click the Manage link next to RHA Object Translation.
  3. Click the New button.
  4. Enter information about your custom object. Review details about the RHA Object Translation custom setting for details about each field and valid values for each.
  5. Click Save.

Create a Custom Matrix

Depending on how you plan to use Resource Hero, you can create a custom matrix for forecasting, tracking actuals, and even other types of numeric fields.  Details on creating a new matrix Visualforce page can be found here:  Create a Custom Matrix.

Update your object’s Lightning Page

While viewing a record from your object, click the gear icon in the top-right corner, then click Edit Page.  Once the Lightning App Builder opens, the following components can be added to the page:

  • RH Manage Assignments lightning component
  • Resource Hero Time Tracking lightning component
  • Your new custom visualforce pages
Add RH components on standard or custom object

Create Resource Hero Rollup Fields

Resource Hero has a built-in mechanism that automatically rolls up aggregates from related assignments to your standard or custom object:

Details about out of the box rollups can be found here:  Resource Hero Rollup Fields

Details about creating your own custom rollups can be found here:  Customized Rollups

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